Trading: Trading Models

Trading system supports the following Market Models:

  1. Continuous Trading
  2. Low Liquidity Trading
  3. Auction Trading
Documentation: Trading Manuals & Trading Models


Classification of shares in Market Models

Zagreb Stock Exchange shall classify shares into Market models every 6 (six) months according to the liquidity criteria, including average daily turnover and the average number of concluded order book transactions.

Continuous Trading always involves the shares listed on the Prime market or Official market, as well as the shares in respect of which there is Market Maker contract concluded between the Exchange and a member firm and the shares included in the CROBEX® or another Exchange index.

Any shares with at least 1 (one) transaction a day or an average daily turnover of at least EUR 1,990.84 over a period of six months are traded in procedure Continuous Trading.

All other shares are considered less liquid and are traded in procedure Low Liquidity Trading.

On the first Friday of each semester, the Exchange will publish on its website a list of shares to be traded in procedure Low Liquidity Trading.

Securities under a low liquidity trading procedure

Securities under a continuous trading procedure