We are inviting you to join us on a free SME workshop co-organized by the Zagreb Stock Exchange, Privredna banka Zagreb and Cotrugli Business School. For more details click here and continue on registration!

Dear Clients,
Zagreb Stock Exchange in cooperation with COTRUGLI Business School and Privredna banka Zagreb has the honour of inviting you to the Strategy in Action (SiA)free demo session.
SiA is an exclusive program that helps SME's leadership teams co-create, activate, and execute their organization's strategy. The program is the key element of the London Stock Exchange ELITE program that helped more than 500 companies to build their strategic plans for growth and scalability.
It consists of a simple yet rigorous structure comprising five critical blocks of strategic thinking:
- Where do we play today?
- Where could we play?
- Where do we want to be?
- How do we get there?
- What resources will we require?
This initial 1.5-day demo workshop will effectively introduce you to the SiA Program and demonstrate how it can support you in creating your own ambitious growth strategy.
To be considered for a place in the workshop, what we typically look for is:
- Company owners and/or C-suite level managers
- Three or more years in operation
- Minimum €1m turnover
The ideal scenario is to have the CEO/owner and CFO apply from each company to make the most of the value of the demo program. If you are interested in the workshop, we have ensured free participation for our clients, but due to the limited number of seats, please reserve your place on time by clicking on the link below.